Culture of Pop

Pearl Jam Lets It Go, ‘Frozen’ Style, in Italy

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[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hile performing their hit song “Daughter” during a recent performance in Milan, Eddie and the boys decided to work a little Frozen magic into the mix, and performed a snippet of the Oscar-winning tune “Let It Go.”

Now, Eddie’s a family man (as are Stone and Mike), he’s even got two young daughters of his own, so it comes as no surprise to me that “Let It Go” wormed its way into their set list. These guys were probably unable to escape the chilly grasp that Frozen has had over most parents of young children (as this writer also knows firsthand).

And is it slightly ironic that they would mash these two songs together? Yea, it totally is (if you have somehow been able to escape seeing the Disney film just trust me on this). Does it work as a semi-cover? This Italian crowd doesn’t seem to mind.

Pearl Jam fans, watch the following concert footage to hear the band rock out. Everyone else, feel free to watch the second video below to hear Pearl Jam’s take on the song made famous by Adele Dazeem.

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