Culture of Pop

Camila Romero Joins PCS For Interview on Modeling Career

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Camila Romero is one of those people who presents a look that immediately catches your attention. From what makes her look jump out, specifics about her personality, acting ambitions, and more, I had the chance to talk with Camila in the latest interview here with Pop Culture Spin. Peep our exchange below and be sure to follow Camila’s rise in her creative fields.

Pop Culture Spin: Camila, thank you for collaborating with us at Pop Culture Spin on this interview. To begin, take us all the way back to your first photo shoot and your initial start as a model. What was that process like?
Camila: To be honest it was kind of awkward I never had modeled clothes before and it was for a small online boutique so I was nervous.

PCS: What kind of kid were you like back in the day and was modeling a future goal of yours even dating back to childhood?
Camila: I’ve always been really comfortable with expressing myself and as a kid I remember always seeing myself along the lines that I’m following now even though I haven’t reached my goal.

PCS: Do you feel you’ve grown and emerged in this field as time has passed?
Camila: I definitely feel like I’ve grown since I’ve started this industry has definitely shown and taught me a lot.

PCS: How would you rate the creative environment of where you’re currently based?
Camila: Living in LA I feel like I’ve definitely got a big play ground to work with as far as being in a creative environment. There are so many awesome creative people out here I’ve gotten to collaborate with and amazing ideas I still want to bring to life.

PCS: I love the series of pictures featuring you in a shopping cart, the same strength is there in the pics of you drinking Coke or eating ice cream. How do you and a given photographer decide which everyday elements/backdrops like these to bring into a shoot?
Camila: Thank you, haha usually it’s really random me and the photographer talk about different settings or cool spots that would go with my look and it just kinda happens. For all of those shoots the location and idea were picked randomly.

PCS: In this line of work, what do you feel are the greatest strengths you bring?
Camila: I feel like one of my greatest strengths is me being very ethnically ambiguous. I’ve gotten a lot of Asian, black, middle eastern, Hispanic. I can play all these different roles and leave people questioning my background which I use to my advantage haha

PCS: You seem to have a versatile fashion style, and basically anything you wear comes alive nicely in your pictures. Has fashion always been something that’s important to you?
Camila: I love expressing myself and I feel like fashion is one of the best ways to do that. I don’t even consider myself having one specific sense of style there’s just so much to explore.

PCS: I imagine being a model means you have to be “on” as in smiling and having it all together during most times. Is this ever difficult or is it a dynamic you’ve grown to embrace?
Camila: It’s definitely a dynamic I’ve grown used to cause there are times where I’m having a bad day or feeling down where I can’t let my personal life interfere with work, which in most situations I’ve learned to balance.

PCS: A couple personality questions – what generally makes you the happiest, and on the opposite side, do you have any pet peeves or things people do that drive you crazy?
Camila: Music generally makes me the happiest, I love concerts, shows, surrounding myself around people who love it as much as I do. My biggest pet peeve is being rushed hahaha

PCS: I’ve interviewed multiple creative professionals through PCS, but of course, you’re all much more than your job title. Outside of modeling, what are some of the aspects or interests in your life that contribute to who you are as an individual?
Camila: I honestly just look at modeling as a platform to get me to where I truly want to be with my acting career. It’s a stepping stone and a door opener in this industry but aside from that the main aspects in my life are definitely my friends and family and my cat, my cat is a big aspect hahahaha

PCS: Do you have any projects on the horizon over the course of 2016 that you’d like to discuss or should we just patiently wait and see?
Camila: Definitely going to be working on some exciting things this year, guess you’ll just have to wait and see.

To those interested in supporting Camila’s career, follow her on Instagram at camilalalaaa

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