Culture of Pop

Matison Card Discusses Modeling, Jewelry Making, & More in PCS Interview

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Matison Card is the type of person who embodies the word “creative.” Be it modeling, acting, designing jewelry, or anything else, Matison takes part in a variety of pursuits. She recently took out some time to talk with me in unison with Pop Culture Spin for an interview. Check out everything I discussed with Matison below and don’t forget to give her a follow on social media.

Pop Culture Spin: Matison, thank you for spending some time with us at Pop Culture Spin. To get our Q&A going, where are you from and now based at the moment?
Matison: I was born and raised in Denver, CO. I am currently living in Telluride, CO, a gorgeous town tucked away in The San Juan Mountains.

PCS: Followers of yours will instantly notice your ink. What are some of the favorite pieces you have?
Matison: I genuinely love all of my ink and can’t wait to get more, but my sternum (under-boob) tattoo is one of my all-time favorites! It’s a half mandala framing the phosphorus alchemy symbol- reminding me to radiate light and stay centered.

PCS: So I know you dabble in multiple avenues of creativity… Let’s start with modeling. When did you first realize this field was appealing to you?
Matison: It’s funny actually, I never wanted to model or thought I was conventionally “pretty” enough to be considered. My partner suggested I submit to an agency when I was 18 to get more connections in regards to my original passions: dancing, acting, and singing. At the time, I really did not believe it would go anywhere, but I went ahead and submitted my application to Wilhelmina Denver, got signed, and the rest is history.

PCS: Take us behind your photo shoots. What type of preparation goes into them and how would you describe your vibe as a model?
Matison: As an actor, I always love to create a back-story in my head or a type of character I can relate to. I love to take on personas and create photos that are unique and inspired. I prepare by going to bed early and drinking lots of water. Sleep and water are a woman’s best friend when it comes to looking and feeling her best. I would describe my vibe as a model as silly and open-minded.

PCS: Are there a few particular characteristics that you feel are needed for one to be a successful model?
Matison: Confidence and a strong sense of self are, in my eyes, crucial to being a successful model. You have to love yourself even when the industry and media are telling you the exact opposite, that you need to be taller, skinnier, have better skin, etc. To be a successful model, you have to hear all of these statements without believing any of them to be true. Knowing that you are perfect in your own imperfections sets you apart from all the other models in your field and will result in booking more gigs with the types of clients that you want to represent and work with.

PCS: Another passion you’re involved with is jewelry making. When did this idea come to life and do you have any long term jewelry making plans?
Matison: I have always been a very crafty person and have been making accessories of all kinds for a long time, however, I was only making them for my personal use. I started working at a metaphysical shop in Telluride that had a jewelry making counter. I took over the custom orders and repairs for this store. This gradually morphed into me selling my individual pieces in the cases, and it blossomed into my own jewelry company called Mati Card Creations. This all happened in such an organic and quick way, so I just surrendered to the flow. I now make jewelry (in addition to model) full-time.

PCS: I would imagine creating these pieces of arts would be a somewhat meticulous and attention to detail kind of pursuit. Can you provide details as to what exactly the jewelry making process is like?
Matison: For me, jewelry making is a meditation. It allows me to direct my energy and focus away from the sometimes stressful daily life of a performer. Jewelry making is my “me time!” I use a variety of tools to make my jewelry. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have high quality tools, it’ll save you a lifetime of fumbles. My favorite part of my process if definitely picking out the crystals from various trade shows and local shops.

PCS: With acting and singing being areas you mention in your IG bio as well, it’s clear your creativity is wide ranging. Have you always considered yourself a creative individual?
Matison: 100%. Since I can remember all I’ve ever wanted was to create and perform- to sing, write poetry and theatre, paint, make jewelry, act, use my body as art through dance, create with whatever I could get my hands on. It’s what I do, it’s who I am. I can’t function in a non-creative environment. It’s crucial to my happiness and my health that I surround myself with inspiring people and situations that stimulate me creatively.

PCS: When you’re not pursuing work related projects, what other interests do you have?
Matison: When I’m not working, I love to explore Mother Nature. Traveling, camping, and hiking are my favorite way to stay grounded and inspired.

PCS: What does the remainder of 2016 hold for you?
Matison: I am traveling up to Washington, Oregon, Utah, and California for a book that my friend, Ivory, and I are working on. After that, I will be living in Telluride, CO for the rest of the summer, but I will also be traveling a lot during this time to various pop-up markets to sell jewelry. I should be making it to Hawaii, Alaska, California, and potentially the East Coast. I’ll be teaching jewelry classes for kids and adults part time in Telluride. Come fall, I plan to move to Washington to complete my degree and continue my modeling and jewelry pursuits.

PCS: Your time has been appreciated by everyone with Pop Culture Spin, thank you again. Lastly, where can anyone interested connect with you on social media?

Modeling Pages:

Instagram: @matisoncard

Jewelry Pages:

Instagram: @maticardcreations


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