In a magnificently unique conjunction of literature and cinematic magic, the world awaits the finale of television’s most epic undertaking, Game of...
As winter winds chill the Seven Kingdoms and political claim is fought for, the freezing storm of death approaches on The Wall....
In life one can never be too sure of their story. A path can be etched out so perfectly with a calculated...
The queen who sits atop the Iron Throne continues to amass strength through her cunning and military victories as the white-haired Mother...
Season seven continues to unveil the physical and spiritual crossings. Whether it’s melding two ideologies or aligning two powers, we’re seeing the...
The power of the fiery winter continues its climactic ascension in episode two. Tides are changing and courses are being redirected with...
The world waited with bated breath this past Sunday for the season premiere of Game of Thrones, the most celebrated work of...
Attack on Titan Episode 36, “Charge”, opens with rapid intensity as Ymir catapults through the forest with the scouts following closely behind...
Episode 35 of Attack on Titan, “Children,” opens in the obscure village of Ragako. Executive officer, Moblit Berner, leads an advance guard...
Before I begin this Attack on Titan review, I’d like to pay homage to the brilliance of this production and urge those...