Author Claire Mangan

I like talking about "The Walking Dead" on Mondays, new music on Tuesdays, "The Mindy Project" on Wednesdays, new blockbuster films on Thursdays, "Nashville" on Fridays. It's kinda like days of the week underpants; you get the idea.


“Oh, I haven’t watched that, is it any good?” Who among us hasn’t been asked this question by one of our fellow TV-watching friends? Well, I remember I was asked this same question about two years ago when I watched, and immediately fell in love with, a show on NBC called Best Friends Forever.


OK Go are at it again with another visually dazzling music video for “The Writing’s On the Wall,” the first single off their new album Hungry Ghosts, due out on October 14.


I recently took note of this sweet illustration of Spike Lee in a recent New Yorker article, and decided to look up more info on the artist.


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