Bates Motel Review: 3.2: The Arcanum Club


Bates Motel season 3 continued last night with another solid episode. Norman went on a date with Emma and, in what was definitely the highlight of the episode, she made it very clear that she definitely wants to have sex with him. Meanwhile, Norma investigated the woman who’s gone missing from the hotel. She looked amazing in her best trying-to-sneak-into-a-fancy-party outfit, but it turns out she is a terrible detective.

When Norma found Annika Johnson missing, she talked to Norman about it and at first he lied about what happened the previous night. When Emma told her that Norman actually drove off with her last night, she got worried and confronted him. While babbling about what happened, he awkwardly said that she was very “dressed up.” Norma immediately got the message and got angry all over again about Norman not only lying to her, but spending time with someone “slutty and “oversexed.”

Norma gets more suspicious about what happened when she realizes that Norman has been referring to Annika in the past tense. She asks him, “Why did you say ‘was’? You said ‘she was a nice woman and troubled.'” Norman replies simply, “Stop it, mother.”

When Norma went to a party that Annika had been invited to, thrown by the exclusive Arcanum Club, she stumbled around looking for answers. Romero was there to rightfully confront her about her amateur sleuthing. Adorably, when he caught her sneaking around the premises of the Arcanum Club’s private party, she was the one who asked him “what are you doing here?”

After a frustrating night of trying to find out the truth and protect Norman, Norma ran into the sign for the bypass, which has been her enemy since day one. She started beating the crap out of the sign and yelling at it, in a great scene that proved Norma Bates continues to be a treasure.


About Author

Pop Culture Spin Managing Editor Lenny Burnham is a writer/comedian in New York City. He hosts the podcast The Filmographers.

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