31 Days of Halloween Episodes: Halloween (Frasier)


Here at Pop Culture Spin we refuse to accept that Halloween is only one day. We’re going to be celebrating Halloween all month, by highlighting one of our favorite Halloween episodes every day. Today’s we’re looking at the Frasier episode “Halloween.”

Basic Info

Directed by: Pamela Fryman

Written by: Suzanne Martin

Episode Number: Season 5, Episode 3

Where to Watch It: Netflix

Why It’s Great

This is one of the Frasier-est Frasier episodes. When Roz is distracted at work, Frasier finds out that she thinks she may be pregnant, but through a series of misunderstandings Niles ends up thinking that Daphne is pregnant and that Frasier is the father.

Niles can’t believe how glib Frasier is being and gets caught up in his love for Daphne. He decides that if Frasier won’t take responsibility, he’ll step up to the plate and offer to marry her. This does not go well for him.

There’s also some great raw emotion in the final moment when Roz tells Frasier she’s found out for sure that she’s pregnant.

It’s a hilarious episode that also does a great job with all of the friendships on the show.

Why It’s Full of Halloween Spirit

The bulk of the episode takes place during Niles’s literature-themed Halloween party, so we get to see everyone dressed up like book characters. It is truly bizarre seeing a TV show where everyone accepts costumes that reference things like The Canterbury Tales, but side-eyes a simpler reference like Where’s Waldo?

Also, Roz looks amazing. I respect her so much for coming up with the classiest possible erotic novel to base her costume off of.

Costume Count

Frasier is Geoffrey Chaucer from The Canterbury Tales

Daphne is The Wife of Bath from The Canterbury Tales

Niles is Cyrano de Bergerac

Martin is Sherlock Holmes

Roz is O from The Story of O

Bulldog is Waldo from Where’s Waldo? 


About Author

Pop Culture Spin Managing Editor Lenny Burnham is a writer/comedian in New York City. He hosts the podcast The Filmographers.

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