31 Days of Halloween Episodes: Girl Meets World of Terror (Girl Meets World)


Here at Pop Culture Spin we refuse to accept that Halloween is only one day. We’re going to be celebrating Halloween all month, by highlighting one of our favorite Halloween episodes every day. Today’s we’re looking at the Girl Meets World episode “Girl Meets World of Terror.”

Basic Info

Directed by: Joel Zwick

Written by: Teresa Kale

Episode Number: Season 1, Episode 11

Where to Watch It: Netflix

Why It’s Great

This episode tells a series of scary stories about the characters’ fears. But, they stick to real-world fears like gym class and sleeping over at a friends. At the end of the episode, Auggie tells the audience, “I hope all of you who are afraid of something have learned that sometimes things are not as scary as they seem.”

In each story, everyone can’t bring themselves to face their fear. The gym coach asks Farkle, “You wanna spend the rest of your life scared?” Farkle replies, “I was planning on it, sir.” But, once Lucas shows him some tough love by throwing the ball at him, he realizes that even getting hit with a baseball isn’t nearly as bad as he imagined.

Riley has a similar experience when she sleeps over at Maya’s house, actually getting through the entire night there without having to call Cory to pick her up for the first time. Meanwhile, Auggie has to go to sleep alone, without his parents. This results in him having to face the monster on the bed and finding out he’s not really scary.

Why It’s Full of Halloween Spirit

The theme of fear and the spooky elements make this feel appropriately Halloween-y, but the way each story ends in a place of safety and comfort is a refreshing reminder that Halloween should be fun.

Costume Count

Auggie dresses as Dracula. All the other main characters are in steampunk costumes, which is a weird choose but I dig it.


About Author

Pop Culture Spin Managing Editor Lenny Burnham is a writer/comedian in New York City. He hosts the podcast The Filmographers.

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