26 Days of Thanksgiving Episodes: The Homecoming (The O.C.)


We’re counting down the days to Thanksgiving by looking at a variety of Thanksgiving-themed TV episodes. Thanksgiving episodes are all different, but they have lots of tropes in common. Today we’re looking at “The Homecoming” from The O.C.

Basic Info

Directed by: Keith Samples

Written by: Josh Schwartz & Bryan Oh

Episode Number: Season 1, Episode 11

Where to Watch It: Amazon Video or iTunes

Found Family

In this episode, Ryan gets a call from his brother who’s in prison. He visits his brother and returns to Chino to see his old friends for the first time since moving to Orange County. Although it’s a return, it feels more like a goodbye.

Things with his family and friends in Chino are strained, but he has Marissa by his side and is able to come home to the welcoming home the Cohens provide.


Kirsten decides that since it’s Ryan’s first Thanksgiving with them, she wants to make an actual home cooked meal instead of having the housekeeper or caterer provide the food. The men of the house seriously worry about Kirsten’s cooking skills and make a pact not to let her near the food. Despite their best efforts, the family ends up ordering Chinese food.


Kirsten and Sandy decide to set up their friends Jimmy and Rachel. The two aren’t happy about being set up, but end up bonding over football. The fact that they support opposing teams just strengthens this bond, since they enjoy getting competitive. They even both like watching ESPN Classic. At the end of the evening, she suggests they get together and watch football again some time.

When Caleb comes over, he sees the TV and says, “Football’s on. I forgot.” Weird thing to say on Thanksgiving.


When Anna comes over, Sandy asks her, “Your parents don’t believe in celebrating the genocide of the American Indian?”


About Author

Pop Culture Spin Managing Editor Lenny Burnham is a writer/comedian in New York City. He hosts the podcast The Filmographers.

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