We’re counting down the days until Christmas by looking back at Christmas episodes from a variety of TV shows. Tonight we’re talking about “Three Ghosts” from Arrow. What Christmas episode tropes did this episode use? Let’s take a look.
Basic Info
Directed by: John Behring
Written by: Geoff Johns and Ben Sokolowski
Episode Number: Season 2, Episode 9
Where to Watch It: Netflix
A Christmas Carol
The structure for this episode is loosely based on A Christmas Carol. Oliver is visited by three “ghosts” when he hallucinates visions of three people he once knew who have died: Shado, Slade Wilson and Tommy Merlyn.
When the end of the episode reveals that Slade is still alive and planning to get revenge on Oliver, it becomes clear that he’s meant to represent the future. Shado represents the past. She urges him to stop fighting for her sake and to let himself live a normal life. Tommy represents the present, assuring Oliver that he’s a hero.
Christmas Song
In one scene, Laurel and Sebastian Blood shop together while “Jingle Bells” plays.
Santa Claus
A man dressed as Santa rings a bell for charity in the scene where Laurel and Sebastian Blood shop together.
Christmas Presents
Barry makes a mask for Oliver and leaves it for him as a present. When Diggle passes along the present, he says, “Even the Arrow deserves a Christmas present.”
Christmas Decorations
Oliver’s mother Moira decides to set up a Christmas tree, but says they should skip throwing a Christmas party considering everything that happened at last year’s Christmas party.
Laurel has a very different reaction. When she sees the Queen house decorated for Christmas, she tells Oliver that spending the holiday with Tommy the previous year was one of the best holidays she’d ever had.
Hanukkah Mention
When Barry asks Felicity what she’s doing for Christmas, she responds, “Lighting my Menorah.”