25 Days of Christmas Episodes: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (Grey’s Anatomy)


We’re counting down the days until Christmas by looking back at Christmas episodes from a variety of TV shows. Tonight we’re talking about “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” from Grey’s Anatomy. What Christmas episode tropes did this episode use? Let’s take a look.

Basic Info

Directed by: Peter Horton

Written by: Krista Vernoff

Episode Number: Season 2, Episode 12

Where to Watch It: Netflix

Christmas Miracle

A woman says that “Santa” has brought her son a new heart and that her prayers have been answered. However, the young boy is more knowledgable than people realize and reveals that he knows the Christmas miracle his mom is so happy about is another kid dying so that he could get the organ donation.

Christmas Decorations

Dr. Yang is frustrated with the mother who keeps sheltering her son and trying to convince him Santa is real when he clearly knows better. When she continually brings up Santa, Dr. Yang responds by enforcing the rule against Christmas decorations and taking away the tree she’s set up.

Meanwhile, Izzie is going through a hard time after her ex-boyfriend Alex cheated on her, so everyone allows her to decorate their apartment with over-the-top decorations despite their collective dislike for the holidays.

Christmas Songs

Dr. Shepherd’s patient loves Christmas and doesn’t let his injury stop him from being upbeat about the holiday as he talks to his children. But, after his surgery, his personality is completely different. Now when his kids sing “Jingle Bells,” he yells at them to shut up and says that he can’t stand that song.

Found Family

Izzie doesn’t understand why the other interns continue to help Alex after he cheated on her. They explain that he’s still part of the family.

Meredith says via voiceover: “There’s an old proverb that says you can’t choose your family. You take what the fates hand you. And like them or not, love them or not, understand them or not, you cope. Then there’s the school of thought that says the family you’re born into is simply a starting point. They feed you, and clothe you, and take care of you, until you’re ready to go out into the world and find your tribe.”


About Author

Pop Culture Spin Managing Editor Lenny Burnham is a writer/comedian in New York City. He hosts the podcast The Filmographers.

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