25 Days of Christmas Episodes: Christmas Scandal (Parks and Recreation)


We’re counting down the days until Christmas by looking back at Christmas episodes from a variety of TV shows. Tonight we’re talking about “Christmas Scandal” from Parks and Recreation. What Christmas episode tropes did this episode use? Let’s take a look.

Basic Info

Directed by: Randall Einhorn

Written by: Michael Schur

Episode Number: Season 2, Episode 12

Where to Watch It: Netflix

Christmas Pageant

Each year one department puts on a show that satirizes what happened in the town that year. This year, it’s the Parks turn to make specific topical jokes about Pawnee.

Christmas Songs

In the pageant, the Parks department sings “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and changes it to “It’s the Most Wonderful Time in Pawnee”

At the end, everyone sings “Joy to the World.”

Winter Wonderland

Leslie organizes a winter wonderland for the children of the town, with a Santa’s village and people dressed as elves.


Everyone has to take a turn being Santa for two hours in Leslie’s winter wonderland. Leslie tells them, “I would just advise everyone before you get into your costume to go to the bathroom so we can avoid what happened last year.” The only character we get to see in the role is Andy.

Christmas Tree

Leslie organizes a tree-lighting ceremony. She’s late to the ceremony, but everyone waits for her to arrive to light the tree.


April asks Andy what she should get her gay boyfriend. He suggests a Brokeback Mountain DVD or assless chaps.

Mark gets Ann a computer bag because she needs one. Tom tells her that’s a terrible gift. “Men give women of that caliber speed boats, private jets. Not computer bags.” He advises Mark to give her diamonds. Ann is happy with the computer bag and gives Mark Pacers tickets.

April asks Andy what he would want and he says a Colts jersey. She surprises him by getting the jersey.


About Author

Pop Culture Spin Managing Editor Lenny Burnham is a writer/comedian in New York City. He hosts the podcast The Filmographers.

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