It’s time for the final installment of my list of the best female characters from superhero shows. Be sure to check out...
After last week’s episode of Arrow, I’m working through my feelings by looking at some of the all-time best female characters...
Valentine’s Day has got me in the mood to talk about love. These are the TV couples that need to get together...
We’ve reached the top half of my list of the best characters on TV right now! It’s time to get into the...
Thinking about starting a new show? With all the awesome new shows coming out lately, it’s hard not to be tempted. Starting...
One of my least favorite scary movie tropes is creepy dolls, so I was not pleased when this week’s episode of Supergirl...
2015 was a great time to be a fan of superheroes, with more superhero TV shows than ever. Here are my picks...
Writing a strong but unique and interesting friendship is one of the greatest challenges a TV show can face. It’s always a...
Romance isn’t dead, it’s just very hard to write well. Ever so rarely, TV gets it right. Here are my choices for...
There were a variety of good dramas this year, from primetime soaps to action shows to character studies. Here are my choices...