Rumor Has It: A New Album from Adele on the Horizon?


The internet is abuzz with (unconfirmed) speculation of a new album from Adele, potentially titled 25 (in keeping with her pattern of naming albums after the age at which she recorded them).

The World Music Awards tweeted the following info:

Screen shot 2014-07-16 at 11.04.30 AM

And yet Adele’s own Facebook page remains untouched since February 2013, and her official Twitter feed has no “official” announcement of the new album.

But let’s not forget that this is the same gal who dropped a Bond on us via this simple tweet about “Skyfall”:

Screen shot 2014-07-16 at 11.10.09 AM

So maybe she’ll take a page out of the book of Queen B and surprise us with a completed new release when we least expect (but most desire) it.


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I like talking about "The Walking Dead" on Mondays, new music on Tuesdays, "The Mindy Project" on Wednesdays, new blockbuster films on Thursdays, "Nashville" on Fridays. It's kinda like days of the week underpants; you get the idea.

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