Quick: How many mascots does the Geico insurance agency have?
Did you also come up with the answer “too darn many”? Congratulations, that is correct!
We’ve got the gecko, the pig (his name is Maxwell, if you didn’t already know that), the stack of cash with the googly eyes (“the money you could be saving”), the cavemen (those fools even got their own short-lived series on ABC), the camel (who tells everyone that it’s hump day!), and the bluegrass duo pointing out how Geico clients are happier than…fill-in-the-blank (one of these commercials shows Eddie Money working at a travel agency with “two tickets to paradise!,” which is groan-inducing and made me feel a bit sad at the same time).
I could go on! But I’d rather get to the main focus of this post, and that’s the Geico celebrity commercials, like the recent “Did you know?” campaign featuring Kenny Rogers. It turns out Salt-n-Pepa (and yes, Spinderella, too) have joined the elite ranks of Rogers, Money, Charlie Daniels, Burt Bacharach, and Ickey Woods in helping to promote the insurance company who really would still have our attention if they just kept it to one well-focused ad campaign.
The rap duo are seen in everyday situations, telling people to push things “real good” like elevator buttons, glass doors, lawnmowers, even practice pushes during a Lamaze class (attended by 30 Rock‘s “Josh”)
Sure it’s sort of self-effacing, but they’re clearly having a good time dressing up like the good old days, and they’re still hot, cool, and vicious.