Ant-Man and the Wasp After the tragic scenes we were left with in Infinity War, we get to backtrack a little bit...
Doing what’s right has never been black and white. Yes, good and evil define each other, but they also have the...
These are the top 10 films of 2015 from where I’m sitting. No, I haven’t watched every single movie from 2015, so...
The neverending debate, Marvel versus DC, seems to always be boiled down in its simplest form to an argument of light-hearted fun...
So Ant-Man and Edgar Wright didn’t work out, and we’ll unfortunately never see his version, but the good news is that Wright has...
Everybody wants to be a hero for the one they love the most, and Scott Lang/ Ant-Man, is no different. The ever-changing...
Ant-Man is a superhero movie starring Paul Rudd, the frequent fixture in comedies who has taken on a different role. Produced by...
I had no idea who Marvel’s Ant-Man was, and I didn’t initially care much for the character. He’s a super hero who...