Animated TV shows are some of the most creative and interesting shows on TV. From children’s shows to anime, here are my...
This year had a variety of excellent animated TV from adult sitcoms to children’s fantasy shows to anime. Here are my choices...
It’s time to conclude my list of my favorite characters on TV right now. These top 10 are the absolute best characters...
I’m continuing my list of the best characters on TV right now and we’re getting into the elite choices. These characters are...
I’m continuing my list of the best characters on TV right now. Will your favorite character be featured on my list? Find...
There were some truly great animated episodes of television this year. It was tough choosing only 15, but here are my choices...
Writing a strong but unique and interesting friendship is one of the greatest challenges a TV show can face. It’s always a...
Romance isn’t dead, it’s just very hard to write well. Ever so rarely, TV gets it right. Here are my choices for...
We’re counting down the days until Christmas by looking back at Christmas episodes from a variety of TV shows. Tonight we’re talking...
Some of the best shows on TV right now are animated. If you want to see something innovative and beautiful, there’s no...