Just like that, 2018 is in the books. It wasn’t a particularly strong year for cinema, but there were definitely some standout...
Avengers Infinity War Avengers Infinity War is a culmination of a decade’s worth of films in the MCU, and it would be...
Thor, the God of Thunder, is back in Thor Ragnarok and we finally get to see what he was up to...
This summer has had quite a few blockbuster bombs, in terms of quality, led by Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and...
It has been nearly 30 years since the last Ghostbusters film was released, and fans have been eagerly waiting with their proton...
Well, we’ve officially lived through 15 years of the 21st century, and every time that kind of milestone passes, retrospectives start popping...
Nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
For anyone who grew up fascinated by tales of King Arthur and the Knights of Camelot, the news that acclaimed director Guy...