February 1, 2015
University of Phoenix Stadium
Roger was finally relieved. Beast Mode to the rescue.
The Seattle Seahawks had a yard to go and Deflategate would be in the past. Sure, Tom Brady would have to deal with it down the road, but Roger Goodell would not have to answer questions about letting a cheater be champion.
Thank the gods. This thought went through his mind when Jermaine Kearse came down with the greatest catch since David Tyree graced the eyes of over 100 million with a catch from the heavens. Note that Roger does not simply worship one god as he never understood how people could ignore the gods both old and new.
This is great. Screw, Mr. Kraft. he knows he cheated and now he will pay for it. I kinda like being in power for once.
The stadium roared as Roger returned from his quick bout of inner dialogue. He looked at the video board and saw the play.
Who is Malcolm Butler? And why would he do such a thing?
The stadium continued to roar as Roger fell to his knees.
His phone began to ring and as expected, Mr. Kraft was on the other side.
“Congrats, Mr. Kraft. It really is a great accomplishment.”
Any sense of joy was completely gone on the other side.
“All laughing aside, I am going to ruin you, Roger.” He hung up.
Why did they pass?