“We’re way past villains of the week and kittens stuck in trees.” How right you are, Max. This week’s episode of Supergirl...
While Supergirl has been enjoyable from the start, it seems that the show has finally found its stride, with yet another amazing...
While Supergirl often tries to parallel its numerous storylines it squeezes into an episode by having an overlapping theme, this week’s episode...
After Supergirl’s cliffhanger last week, it was a little disorienting for Kara, as well as us viewers, to have the episode seemingly...
It usually takes a few episodes of the first season for a show to catch its stride, and Monday night’s episode finally...
In celebration of the approaching holidays, Supergirl had a turkey and sentiment filled episode this Monday night. Alex’s mom and Kara’s foster...
This week’s episode of Supergirl had some eye-roll inducing dialogue that always seems to plague superhero movies/shows. That’s not to say that...