Before we start, I must say, I had such a hard time coming up with a title for this piece. Honestly, I almost went with “Super Duper End Of The Year Mega Blowout Extravaganza” out of spite.
I asked for help from a friend (not any more) and this is what I got:
“End of the Regular Season: 16 Teams Feels Good, 16 Teams Feel Bad”
“Just Another Amazing NBA Review”
“This Review Is The Mofuggin Shit, Son!”
Now that you know the reason for the generic title, let’s get started.
Another NBA regular season in the books, time for another “best of” list!
As I sat down to pour over the seemingly endless hours of NBA highlight videos the Internet has to provide, it became clear to me this task is a little more daunting than I originally thought. Being the giver that I am, I trudged on and watched a ridiculous amount of NBA footage. It was awful. You guys so owe me for this one.
I’m well aware not all of you will agree with some of my selections; it’s OK, we can still be friends. Honestly, with so much footage to cover I’m sure I missed a few great plays worthy of consideration. Disagreements aside, know that I did my best and, as I learned in grade school, that’s what matters. So yeah, I went to a crappy grade school, just make fun of me on Twitter like always if you don’t like my picks.
Assist/Pass of the Year
This was by the far the hardest category to choose a winner from with as many assists/passes that take place in any given NBA contest. Not to mention the amount of talent at the point guard position in the NBA these days. Well guess what, it’s not from any of the usual point guard suspects, he’s a backup.
At first glance the pass doesn’t look all that spectacular, but when the angle is switched you see Kendall Marshall threading the needle between Omer Asik’s legs right to Jared Dudley. What separates this between the legs pass from the rest you ask? The spin he put on the ball so that it slightly changes direction after the bounce, the length of the pass itself, and the fact he made it look so effortless.
Honorable Mention Block of the year
I never intended to have an honorable mention in any category, but decided this block deserves at least that. This block would have been number one in my book if it would have been registered in the box score. Unfortunately it took place amidst a foul call.
Any time a midget blocks a giant, we should take notice.
Block of the Year
I know what some of you are saying: “LeBron does this almost every game.” Well, LeBron isn’t 5’9″. Whenever a player of such a small stature can get up that high to block a shot from behind to negate a player from scoring, they have my vote.
Dunk of the Year
I did my due diligence researching the most rousing dunks that sent our Twitter timelines into overdrive and kept our fingers on rewind, but in the back of my head, I already knew who was number one.
No other dunk this season blew up the the Internet quite like this one. From the wind-up, to the the extension, the aftermath of teammate celebratory reactions, and the memes that followed. This was the Dunk of the Year.
Play of the Year
As I’ve stated before, this is one of the best in-game dunks I’ve seen, but it’s not just a dunk. What makes it spectacular is the whole play. The tip steal, the between the legs pass from Jamal Crawford, and the ferocious Blake Griffin dunk.