While every month brings new additions to the Netflix library, it also means that license deals expire and some television shows and...
Moff Gideon abducts Grogu, Boba Fett’s awesome debut In this week’s episode of The Mandalorian, appropriately named “Chapter 14: The Tragedy,” we...
Baby Yoda is known by many names. He’s officially known as The Child, but our beloved Mando calls him “kid,” and the fans...
The Queen’s Gambit The latest binge-worthy release from Netflix, ‘The Queen’s Gambit’, with Anya Taylor-Joy’s captivating performance as Beth Harmon, a female...
Well, it looks like October is giving us a timely gift, providing political and social satire and parody from the genius mind...
Dare I say that Joe List is a Comic’s Comic? Sure. There, I said it. But he is much more than...
From the first moment, visceral comedian, Mark Normand, delivers a punch to the throat in his extremely funny, very insightful new special,...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve found myself listening to music more than ever before. My taste has ranged from “Work Out” by...
The Invisible Man The 1933 Universal classic monster movie based on the novel by H.G. Wells gets a remake—or more a reimagining—with...
Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey Let’s face it, Suicide Squad was a big swing and a miss. However, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn was incredible....