Solo: A Star Wars Story, is an upcoming American film centered on Han Solo, a character from the Star Wars franchise. The...
Hope is always present if you believe in it, but doubt is always there as well. Rian Johnson takes a seat in...
George Lucas’ Star Wars opened on May 25, 1977. The first film of the franchise grossed a total of $775 million domestically...
The Star Wars series is filled with Jedis and Sith Lords of unworldly power, but Rogue One brings us a story of...
The Rogue One: A Star Wars Story teaser trailer is up, and now it’s time to analyze the hell out of...
On Episode 14, DC and Ryan give their SPOILER filled review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The Poe and Finn of...
The co-existence of the light side and the dark side of the force is the basis of the Star Wars mythology, similar...
If you think celebrating May the Fourth in honor of Star Wars is a good thing, boy, are you being misled! It’s...
Star Wars: the Force Awakens already has a loaded cast, but why not add a few more to the squad? In particular,...