Toy Story 4 The very first Toy Story film came out in 1995, which was the first-ever computer-animated feature film, sparking the...
Only five days after the events of John Wick, the “Boogeyman” is back in action with John Wick Chapter 2. This time...
John Wick: Chapter 2 is the upcoming sequel to the 2014 sleeper hit John Wick with Keanu Reeves returning as the titular...
On Wednesday, Oct 5 at 9:00 pm The CW premiered a show called Frequency. Having just finished up the newest episode of...
Name. Jesse Sinned. Purpose. Podcast about the latest pop culture happenings in short audio form. Status. Awesome. Rated: R, motherf***ers because of...
John Wick 2 has been officially given the green light. Rejoice! Keanu Reeves will be back with guns blazing, trying to find...
In the positively reviewed revenge movie John Wick, Keanu Reeves has officially returned as a movie star. Throughout a puzzling career that’s...
Keanu Reeves hasn’t been in too many impressive movies lately; 47 Ronin was a bust. However, his new film John Wick looks...