On Friday, Marvel’s Inhumans finally ended. In the episode, Attilan faced a collapse that would kill everyone. This allowed the Royal Family...
After being worn down by Marvel’s Inhumans, I felt impressed that stuff actually happens in this episode. In that sense, “Havoc in...
Marvel’s Inhumans season 1 is nearing its end and a couple scenes this episode actually had a bit of tension and conflict....
This week’s episode of Marvel’s Inhumans made slight progress by bringing most of the main characters together. I’m glad they gave Medusa, Black...
This week’s episode of Marvel’s Inhumans season 1 felt extremely one-note. All the Inhumans on Earth paired up with inexplicably accommodating humans....
Unfortunately, the second week of Marvel’s Inhumans was more of the same. As the title implies, the characters each went on their own...
The two-hour Marvel’s Inhumans series premiere was a bafflingly bad episode of television. So far this show seems like a failure on every...