Justice League is the fifth installment in the current DC Extended Universe run of movies. The film features an ensemble cast including...
“We’re way past villains of the week and kittens stuck in trees.” How right you are, Max. This week’s episode of Supergirl...
It seems that this week was all about comic book team ups, with not only Batman and Superman, but also, Supergirl and...
The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel finally clash in Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. This highly...
After Supergirl’s cliffhanger last week, it was a little disorienting for Kara, as well as us viewers, to have the episode seemingly...
The oldest film on this list, Superman (1978) from Richard Donner is fondly and rightly remembered as the Godfather of comic book...
One of my least favorite scary movie tropes is creepy dolls, so I was not pleased when this week’s episode of Supergirl...
It usually takes a few episodes of the first season for a show to catch its stride, and Monday night’s episode finally...
Oh my god, you guys, I love Cat so much! And yes, that was my major takeaway from last night’s episode of...
In celebration of the approaching holidays, Supergirl had a turkey and sentiment filled episode this Monday night. Alex’s mom and Kara’s foster...