This week The Flash delivered its strongest episode in a long time thanks to the return of Harry Wells and Jesse Quick, a solid meta-human of the week plot and a cohesive episode theme.
This episode Barry Allen and Iris West finally– finally!– started dating for real. It was awkward at first, but thankfully the episode had them talk things out. Although the courtship was clunky and drawn out, now that Barry and Iris are actually together they’re a fantastic couple.
Jesse’s return had a big impact on Wally West. Not just because they’re clearly crushing on each other. When Wally found out that Jesse had gained speed, he was upset that he had no powers. He even jumped in front of a car in hopes of triggering any latent powers. This is the kind of plotline The Flash handles poorly a plot, but this week just got it. From Wally’s drive to help others, to Joe West playing “cop dad” to intervene, to Barry’s heart-to-heart with Wally. Everything felt in character and understandable.
Meanwhile, Caitlin Snow was brought into this story when Harry tried to get her to talk Jesse out of becoming a superhero. Their scene together was fantastic and dropped more hints about what’s going on with Caitlin this season.
The main plotline of this episode featured guest star Joey King as Frances Kane a.k.a. Magenta. Dr. Alchemy restored her powers from Flashpoint, but she was unable to handle them and found herself hurting people. Barry talking things out with Frances rather than throwing her in a cell indefinitely was a nice change of pace. I’d love to see more of that side of Barry.
Frances’ case coming through the Central City Police Department provided plenty of opportunities for Julian Albert to be hostile towards Barry and get in his way. He’s a great addition to this show who fits right in, providing both enjoyable banter and genuine story conflict.