It all started with the big bang that was Jon Favreau’s Iron Man, igniting the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) to deliver a...
Avengers: Infinity War is the latest superhero film based on the Marvel Comics lore, and is intended to be the sequel to...
Guardians of the Galaxy took people by surprise in 2014, and James Gunn is bringing the band back together with Guardians of the Galaxy...
The comic book movie that took non-comic-book fans by storm, Guardians of the Galaxy caught almost everyone – including this mega-nerd –...
Some of the best shows on TV right now are animated. If you want to see something innovative and beautiful, there’s no...
There were plenty of amazing films in 2014, but these 10 films seem to just stand taller than the rest. This is...
Marvel’s Age of Ultron is due for release in less than six months, May 1, 2015, but it can’t come quick enough....
Guardians of the Galaxy was undeniably a huge hit for Marvel Studios this year, and with the release of the Blu-Ray on...
Ghostbusters turned 30 this year and to commemorate the occasion, Lego rolled out new Ghostbusters-themed play sets and the original Ghostbusters is...
According to IGN, Marvel Comics and Funko will be releasing a dancing Groot figure, which every single person that saw Guardians of...