The Lion King Disney is on a mission to remake their classics into live-action films for a new generation, and their latest...
The Room is a special kind of bad movie that can never be imitated. However, James Franco tackles the challenge of making a...
Hardwood and Hollywood’s G.O.A.T. Week is a series of posts on various categories to be published in two-week period. Yes, there were...
The Night Before shows Seth Rogen at his finest and the holiday spirit being captured in a hilarious but unusual way. Also...
This deliriously quick footed character study, Steve Jobs, is a vibrant film that will leave an unforgettable impression on you the moment...
For anyone who is a fan of Apple or Apple’s founder, Steve Jobs, prepare yourself for another film on the famed founder and legendary...
Going to the movies or turning on the television can be an escape. But how far away from reality are viewers generally...
The Interview, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, will be available to stream starting today. The film will be available at 10 a.m....
The trailer for the new season of The Comeback is here! Watch below: [youtube][/youtube] Season 2 of The Comeback will premiere on...
[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast year’s Oscar contender, “Saving Mr. Banks” got us thinking about movies about movies. Hollywood loves to be self-referential and even poke...