Zombieland: Double Tap Rewind to 2009 and you’ll recall a zombie horror comedy that gained a cult classic status that became known...
Venom is most famously known for being one of Spider-Man’s top-tier archenemies. However, the dark, vicious symbiote gets its own spotlight in...
Solo: A Star Wars Story When you ask people who the “best pilot in the galaxy” is, most of them will say...
Forgiveness and vengeance are equally powerful, but often times the latter is chosen because it comes with a promise of closure that...
Despite some blockbuster letdowns, there have been many amazing movies in 2016. These are the ones that have entertained me, inspired me, had me...
High school is more or less a bizarre part of life for most people, and Kelly Fremon Craig captures a slice of...
I saw Out of the Furnace in theaters back in 2013. My draw to the movie – one with Christian Bale, Casey...
The first season of True Detective is possibly my favorite span of episodes from any series. I did the season two reviews...
True Detective has been honored for its excellent Season 1 showing. The Writer’s Guild of America named True Detective the top drama as HBO’s...
Season 1 of True Detective was a piece of television wizardry. Creator Nic Pizzolatto crafted a profoundly grim story that immediately developed a cult...