This week Bob’s Burgers season 9 delivered an enjoyable episode centered on Gene Belcher. He desperately tried to save a blob of plankton...
Bob Belcher was first to take a day off on this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers season 9. It was a better-than-average...
This week on Bob’s Burgers season 9 Louise Belcher became principal for a day. The episode played off the rivalry between Louise...
Maybe it was inevitable that the only way Bob’s Burgers could escalate Tina Belcher’s social awkwardness was with actual beastiality. Is that...
This week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers season 9 was an anthology episode. Those episodes tend to be weak and this one was...
On this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers season 9, Linda Belcher tried to set Teddy up with Helen. But, Tina Belcher became...
Bob’s Burgers season 9 returned this week. The midseason premiere dealt with the fertile territory of multi-level marketing schemes. Linda Belcher excitedly...
This week was the Christmas episode of Bob’s Burgers season 9. The episode focused less on the holiday to tell more of...
On this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers season 9, Tina Belcher worked with a new character. Aparna Nancherla’s Susmita was a great addition....
This week Bob’s Burgers season 9 delivered a strong episode focused on Gene Belcher. There is almost no TV trope I love more...