Long deemed the next Manny Pacquiao, Mark Magsayo, just took the largest step yet in creating his own legacy. Saturday night —...
As boxing has continued its push into the shadow of the MMA world via the UFC, UFC 189 delivered the final shove...
Who spent way too much money to watch Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao “fight” the last week? Who wants to pay way...
Boxing used to stop the world and fights were referendums beyond which man was the most proficient pugilist; fights meant more than...
Floyd Mayweather Jr. versus Manny Pacquiao is the dream match the boxing world has been waiting for, and it’s right around the...
The most anticipated fight of the 21st century we have all been waiting for is finally here! Floyd “Pretty Boy” Mayweather Jr....
It’s official! The fight of the century between Floyd “Money” Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao will go down in Las Vegas on May...
Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao had their first press conference in Los Angeles at the Nokia Theatre and it was oddly...
I have good news and some bad news for those trying to go see Floyd Mayweather take on Manny Pacquiao May 2nd...
The happiest place on earth right this second is the city of Las Vegas. The city of sin is seeing more action...