Venom is most famously known for being one of Spider-Man’s top-tier archenemies. However, the dark, vicious symbiote gets its own spotlight in...
Venom is an upcoming film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It is intended to be the first...
Hardwood and Hollywood’s G.O.A.T. Week is a series of posts on various categories to be published in two-week period. Yes, there were...
Flyers float in the air, as a weary young soldier nabs one. It reads, “We surround you.” The German army has Allied...
Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises was released on July 10, 2012. The film was the final installment of Nolan’s Batman film trilogy. The...
Mad Max: Fury Road was easily one of the greatest movies 2015 showed audiences. That doesn’t mean I assumed it would be...
The Revenant is justifiably receiving widespread buzz. To find out what works and what doesn’t in the movie, check out our Senior...
Perseverance is one of our greatest assets. The Revenant is a film about perseverance, created by a cast and crew that tremendously displayed...
The Revenant is an upcoming western thriller set to star Hollywood mainstays Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy. Early buzz suggests perhaps DiCaprio’s...
If you like the London gangster scene and Tom Hardy then you’re in luck! Hardy will be starring in Legend, where he’ll...