Now that we’re halfway through the year, I’m counting down my picks for the Best TV Episodes of 2016 So Far. From...
Supernatural aired its season finale this week and HOLY SHIT what an episode. I can’t remember every season finale the show has offered...
Supernatural was back in form this week and delivered a fantastic episode to the fans. It has been a solid season so...
Supernatural has been pretty much hit or miss so far this season, but the hits have been big ones. This week’s episode...
This week’s episode of Supernatural took me on a wild roller coaster of emotions. When it started I really liked it, then there...
Supernatural finally came back this week after another random hiatus. This show seems to take a lot of these little breaks, and I...
Supernatural was back with another stand alone episode this week that didn’t really advance the main story in any way. However, unlike last...
Supernatural was FINALLY back this week after a random month long hiatus. I’m not sure why it was so long between episodes but...
The internet is abuzz calling this week’s episode of Supergirl the best episode of the show. And I know that I’ve said...
Supernatural gave us another detour episode this week that didn’t advance the main story in any real meaningful ways. That’s alright, though, because this...